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The company won the bid of ganghua LNG project all LNG gasifier
新闻来源:    点击数:3836    更新时间:2005-9-15 13:59:05    收藏此页

    In September 15, 2005, Weifang ganghua LNG gasifier equipment formal bidding competition, there are 5 LNG gasifier production companies to participate in the bidding competition, the Weifang Hong Kong and China to score and screening, finally, our company won the bid, once again proved that my company in the manufacture of gasifier LNG industry visibility and strong technical and economic strength!

总页数:1  第  1    页 

上一篇:Telem and Qidong liquefied petroleum gas company signed a LNG gasification / heating equipment proto   下一篇:The successful development of low temperature ethylene gasification device!

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